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About AFC4A

The Air Force C4 Association (AFC4A) was formally chartered on 1 November 1990 as a non-profit organization.  The Association held its first meeting at the Bolling AFB Officers Club on 6 November 1990.

The Association was formed to serve two primary objectives:

- To preserve and promote the camaraderie and the collegial relationship of all those who formerly served in the functional community of the U.S. Air Force commonly referred to as “command and control, communications and computer (C4)” and 

- To promote the well-being and the best interests of those currently and actively serving in the Air Force C4 community.  Underlying these two objectives is the fundamental reason to exist:  to enhance the Air Force mission by striving to improve the effectiveness of C4 systems and the personnel that acquire, manage, operate and maintain them. 

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